Talents of Arat’s Hosseini

Arat Hosseini is a young talented footballer from Iran. Arat is a social media sensation and has more than four million followers on Instagram. Arat started his training at the age of 2 years with his father and, apart from football skills, he has other talents as well.

Arat’s talent discovered

When Arat was three months old, his father accidentally finds out that he has strong hands and can hang himself to almost anything without any support. When Arat was seven months old, his father saw him hanging to the pole without any support and making tough acrobatic moves, then is when his father realized Arat has special talents, and he helped him with the training to perform acrobatic movements.

Moving from Gymnastics to Football

Arat Hosseini’s abilities aren’t just restricted to football. Anyone who looks at his slim figure can’t help but notice his muscular hands and toned abdominal muscles. When Mohamed saw his son had particularly strong hands at the age of three months, he decided to enroll Arat in gymnastics classes.

When Arat was quite young, he became well-known in Asia as a gymnast. When he began playing football, more people around the world began to pay attention to him, and now as a young boy, he has a worldwide fan following.

Aim of Arat

The tremendous fame that Arat has gained as a result of his unique social media videos looks to be merely the first step toward a broader aim for father and son. Arat wants to be the best footballer in the world and the youngest player to play in the World Cup.

Arat because of his passion and dedication regarded as a role model for children, which is fantastic and we send all of our regards to him to achieve his goals.

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